Find a racket!

Create your player profile, to find the most suitable racket for you!

We can help you find the best racket for Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis or Squash.
If you are not sure about certain values, leave them at default

Age : 30

Your age in years

Physical condition : 50

<30: Below average in age group

30-70: Average in age group

>70: Above average in age group

Player experience : 50

<30: Beginner

30-70: Average in age group

>70: Above average in age group

Playing style : 50

<30: Beginner

30-70: Allround

>70: Serve & Volley

Swing style : 50

<30: short/compact

30-70: moderate

>70: wide/fast

Frequency of play : 50

<30: Yearly

30-70: Monthly

>70: Weekly

Fine tuning : 50

>50: Power racket

<50: Control racket


Injuries present

Do you have injuries like: arm, shoulder or wrist injuries?

Favorite Shot

Please create your player profile first and submit it to see results.

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