What is the best tennis racket for me?

FindMyRacket will help you!

This racket finder helps you to find the best tennis racket and best tennis strings! Either beginner, intermediate or advanced player: Your personal preferences are considered via this tennis racket finder!

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Our services

Racket finder

Tennis racket finder

What is the best tennis racket for you? Our tennis racket finder will help you find the best tennis racket, based on your personal preferences. Within a very short time, you will find the best tennis racket using our racket finder!

Racket check

Tennis racket check

Have you ever wondered, if your current tennis racket fits you? Are there tennis rackets out there, that could fit you better? Let our tennis racket check tool decide that for you! Our tennis racket check tool takes into account your personal preferences. Find the tennis racket that suits you best!

String finder

Tennis string finder

You are looking for new tennis strings, but not sure which one suits you best? Our tennis string finder tool will help you find suitable tennis strings based on your personal preferences.

Grip size

Grip size tennis racket

You have decided on a tennis racket and want to know which grip size your tennis racket should have? No problem! This online tool will help you.


"Tennis players of any level have been longing for this for a long time: a website that tells you which racket is best to play after you enter a few values. Findmyracket.de comes surprisingly close to this goal. (...) The website mastered a quick check by the tennis MAGAZIN editorial team with excellence"

– tennis MAGAZIN 500th issue 6/2021

Why FindMyRacket?

FindMyRacket is a racket finder that helps you, to find the best tennis racket that fits you best. The market of available rackets is overwhelming and choosing the best tennis racket is time consuming. Either beginner, intermediate or advanced player: If you want to save time and have your preferences considered, you are at the right place!

Player Profile

Player profile

We take into account your individual tennis player profile, based on up to 10 specifications and enable individual weighing of important factors, such as experience, player type, stroke style and desired characteristics of your racket. There are is no comparable tennis racket finder that assures this!

Time saver

Time saver

Finding the right tennis racket, while taking into account your player profile and preferences is usually a trial and error process, that requires experience and is very time-consuming. FindMyRacket will help you to find the tennis racket you have been looking for, while ensuring that it fits your individual player profile.

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